I/p transducer, high-speed addressable remote transducer channels, open communication protocol, the United States Rosement company in 1985 launched a smart instrumentation and control room for live communication protocol between devices. E / p transducer Bell202 standards based on frequency shift keying FSK signal to conduct two-way audio digital signals in digital communications, data transmission rate of 1.2Mbps.
HART protocol communication because the main variables and control information transmitted by the 4-20mA, in case of need, another measurement, process parameters, device configuration, calibration, diagnostic information via HART protocol visit. Electro pneumatic transducer is used in half-duplex communication mode, which is characterized by the existing analogue signal transmission line of digital signal communication, the analog system to digital system into the transitional process of products.
In a field device can generally be found to exist in three types of commands. Master the use of DDL technology to understand the parameters of these devices without having to develop special interfaces for these devices. It ISO / OSI open systems interconnection model, data link layer, application layer communication model for the FF corresponding level, and an increase in the application layer on the user level.
Pneumatic transducer and low points of two high-speed communication rate H2. Physical transmission medium can support more than stranded wire, cable and wireless transmitters. The agreement complies with IEC1158-2 standard. According to jump the receiver can determine the polarity of the data "1", "0" order, but also the center of the data accurately.