

3. How many handbags have I got in my closet?NO1.replica coach

It is widely recognized that woman cannot have more than one handbag in their closet. Different handbag like clothes means different mood and can show different aspects of a person’s personality. I am a replica handbag fan who has collected different famous brand handbags such as replica coach, replica LV, replica Gucci, and so on. Today I will take you have a tour at my handbag closet to know who I am.

One of my favorite handbags which I used most frequently is replica coach. This is a souvenir from my mother when she went back from a business trip. She gave it to me as my birthday gift. I can’t imagine the excited feeling the moment I received it because the style and the color are all my favorite ones. Not long ago I have seen such kind of handbag on the coach outlet store online but didn’t buy it because of its price.

My second favorite is a replica LV which is all together OK but I don’t like the color very much. This is the one that suits the summer very much and can give people a sense of cool feelings. The button of this replica LV is very special and unique, which can sparkle at night.

Today I will end up here. Tomorrow I will go on with other handbags in my closet. I hope you can enjoy them.


